<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2944 entries, 0 to 2943
Data columns (total 22 columns):
Station_1 2944 non-null int64
Date_1 2944 non-null object
Tmax_1 2944 non-null int64
Tmin_1 2944 non-null int64
Tavg_1 2944 non-null object
Depart_1 2944 non-null object
DewPoint_1 2944 non-null int64
WetBulb_1 2944 non-null object
Heat_1 2944 non-null object
Cool_1 2944 non-null object
Sunrise_1 2944 non-null object
Sunset_1 2944 non-null object
CodeSum_1 2944 non-null object
Depth_1 2944 non-null object
Water1_1 2944 non-null object
SnowFall_1 2944 non-null object
PrecipTotal_1 2944 non-null object
StnPressure_1 2944 non-null object
SeaLevel_1 2944 non-null object
ResultSpeed_1 2944 non-null float64
ResultDir_1 2944 non-null int64
AvgSpeed_1 2944 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(5), object(16)
memory usage: 506.1+ KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2944 entries, 0 to 2943
Data columns (total 22 columns):
Station_2 2944 non-null int64
Date_2 2944 non-null object
Tmax_2 2944 non-null int64
Tmin_2 2944 non-null int64
Tavg_2 2944 non-null object
Depart_2 2944 non-null object
DewPoint_2 2944 non-null int64
WetBulb_2 2944 non-null object
Heat_2 2944 non-null object
Cool_2 2944 non-null object
Sunrise_2 2944 non-null object
Sunset_2 2944 non-null object
CodeSum_2 2944 non-null object
Depth_2 2944 non-null object
Water1_2 2944 non-null object
SnowFall_2 2944 non-null object
PrecipTotal_2 2944 non-null object
StnPressure_2 2944 non-null object
SeaLevel_2 2944 non-null object
ResultSpeed_2 2944 non-null float64
ResultDir_2 2944 non-null int64
AvgSpeed_2 2944 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(5), object(16)
memory usage: 506.1+ KB